Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan pada Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu (BPMP2T) Kota Padang


This studyexamines thequality ofpublic servicesin theBoard of InvestmentandLicensing Services(BPMP2T) Padang Town. The theoryis usedasa knifeanalysis in this studyisthe conceptofpublic service, excellent serviceandquality of service. The approach usedinthisresearchisquantitativedescriptiveapproach. The research data wasobtainedthroughquestionnairesandobservationtechniques. The respondentsof this studyof 100 people. Descriptively, the qualityof serviceinBPMP2TPadang Town is good. Somevariableshave astrong influenceinthe quality of services, such asphysicalVisibilityvariable, reliability, responsiveness. Meanwhile, the variableability, decency, security, access, the quality of service, communicationandunderstandingisveryweak.