
Coaching is done by the Department of Youth and Sports of Tanjungpinang done only when the event will be held, there is no long-term development programmed, planned and sustainable performed. Planning the future development of the athletes who have not been there and facilities that do not support in fostering where many are not national standards even hire private parties. The research problems are how policies coaching athletes by the Department of Youth and Sports (Dispora) Tanjungpinang The purpose of this study was to determine the Athlete Development Policy by the Department of Youth and Sports (Dispora) Tanjungpinang. Basic research that relies on theoretical concepts M. Furqan (2002: 3) on sports coaching achievements usually follow the stages of development that are based on the theory of the pyramid. Furthermore, the frameworks continue to refer to the concept of the above theory with each aspect and above indicators. This type of research is descriptive using qualitative approach, the research informants amounted to 9 with 1 as key informants. Data collection techniques using interview techniques using (interview guides), observation, documentation subsequent data analysis with qualitative. The results showed in the training ground for the athletes there is a mismatch of three dimensions above. From some aspects show that the absence of long-term development policy of the athlete. Planning after the athletes who followed the event to still do the coaching has not been done. Coaching standards and targets it is necessary to measure the athlete's ability. Facilities and infrastructure are inadequate and national standards. Should the effort of the Department of Youth and Sport to make a long-term development policies, planning ahead to accommodate athletes who excel and build a complete infrastructure and a national standard that coaching is done against an athlete can be done effectively and more leverage.