Fiqh Solutions Against Usury (Riba) Practices In Conventional Banking


The discussion of usury as if there had never been an endpoint, from the time of the companions of the prophet to contemporary Islamic scholars. Especially when the practice of usury appears in banking financial institutions. The majority of contemporary Islamic scholars such as Yûsuf Al-Qaradhāwi, view that the operation of conventional banks based on interest is unlawful, because this is the same as usury. In line with the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), which states that all forms of money interest practices within financial institutions are illegal. Over time, financial transactions (muamalah) carried out by someone also need instruments of financial institutions. So, a solution is needed for a Muslim to conduct financial transactions with the banking world. The fiqh study provides space for Muslims to conduct financial transactions both with individuals and with an institution while remaining based on applicable Islamic law.