Makanan Tambahan untuk Balita dari Variasi Kacang Kedelai (Glycinemax (L) Merril) dan Kacang Merah (Vigna Angularis)


Malnutrition is a health problem that is a problem that must be resolved and needs special treatment. Handling malnutrition cases one which is by providing additional food in the form soy oat snack bars and kidney beans. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of developing soybean and red bean oat snack bar. This research is an experimental research that is research with the substitution of soybeans and kidney beans then the effect is seen on the organoleptic quality with the SPSS test anova and seen its nutrient content in the laboratory of Unand. Research Results: 1) The highest organoleptic test is treatment A. 2) The oat snack bar produced the highest carbohydrate content in treatment A as much as 58.48%, protein content 5.8%, and calories 38.98 kcal, the highest fat content in treatment B is 22.75%, the highest water content in treatment C is 32.9%. 3) The best formulation on oat soybean and red bean oat snack bars with several binding ingredients for color, taste, aroma, and texture as well as nutrients is treatment A (30 g soybeans: 50 g kidney beans). Development of Snack Bar Oat soybeans and kidney beans at Treatment A is an Oat Snack Bar has a high nutrient content and good color, taste, aroma, and texture.