Pengaruh Teknik Assertive Training Terhadap Penyesuaian Diri Siswa di SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of assertive training techniques on the adaptation of class X students at SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram. This research method uses experiments. The population in this study were all students of class X SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram, amounting to 16 students. In this study using purposive sampling to determine the sample and produced 6 students to study who experienced low adjustment. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using statistical analysis with the t-test formula. In accordance with the results of the calculation of tcount obtained from the results of the study showed 12,156. While the t-test value in the table with db (N-1) = 6-1 = 5 with a significance level of 0.05 or 5% = 2.015. So the results obtained in this study are greater than t table (12,156> 2,015), thus the conclusion obtained in this study is that there is an influence of assertive training techniques on the adjustment of class X students in SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram.