
Abstrak: Tuntutan masyarakat atas pelayanan publik di bidang keimigrasian semakin tinggi. Kondisi ini memaksa Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi harus dapat beradaptasi dengan berbagai perubahan. Dengan diterbitkannya Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi Nomor IMI-UM.01.01-4166 tentang Implementasi Aplikasi Pendaftaran Antrian Permohonan Paspor secara Online (APAPO) di Seluruh Indonesia, diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif terobosan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, aplikasi tersebut mengalami bermacam kendala. Mulai dari perumusan kebijakan yang tidak sesuai prosedur, hingga aspek materil implementasi yang berpotensi gugatan hukum. Sejak dilaunching pada tanggal 26 Januari 2019, APAPO 2.0 mendapat beragam tanggapan dari masyarakat. Ada sebagaian yang memberikan apresiasi, tapi tidak sedikit yang berkomentar miring terkait aplikasi ini. Jumlah laporan tekait resistensi APAPO 2.0 mengalami peningkatan yang cukup siginifikan. Perbincangan warganet di linimasa Twitter pada topik Ditjen Imigrasi selama Maret 2019 mengalami kenaikan yakni terpantau 171 cuitan. Hal tersebut didominasi retweet warganet terkait peluncuran Aplikasi Pendaftaran Antrean Paspor Online (APAPO) di Apple App Store. Warganet masih me-mention Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi terkait pertanyaan dan keluhan seputar paspor online. Aplikasi antrean paspor online masih menjadi isu teratas yang diperbincangkan warganet dan mengandung sentimen negatif. Kuota yang selalu penuh serta website dan aplikasi yang sering down paling banyak dikeluhkan warganet. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan masukan bagi pimpinan untuk melakukan evaluasi kebijakan, sehingga kedepannya dapat memprediksi potensi apa saja yang dapat mengancam keberlangsungan organisasi. Dalam tulisan ini penulis berusaha menggambarkan dan menjelaskan secara komprehensif berkenaan dengan konsep teoretis dan audit hukum atas permasalahan yang dimaksud Abstract: Community demands for public services in the field of immigration are increasingly high. This condition forced the Directorate General of Immigration to be able to adapt to various changes. With the issuance of the Director General of Immigration Circular Number IMI-UM.01.01-4166 concerning the Implementation of Application for Online Application of Passport Request Queues (APAPO) throughout Indonesia, it is expected to be a breakthrough alternative in meeting the needs of the community. But in its implementation, the application has experienced various obstacles. Starting from the formulation of policies that are not in accordance with the procedure, to the material aspects of implementation that have the potential for legal action. Since it was launched on January 26, 2019, APAPO 2.0 received various responses from the public. There are some who give appreciation, but not a few who skew comments regarding this application. The number of APAPO 2.0 resistance related reports has increased significantly. Warganet's conversation in the Twitter timeline on the topic of the Directorate General of Immigration during March 2019 has increased, which is monitored by cuitan. This is dominated by warganet retweets related to the launch of the Online Passport Queue Registration Application (APAPO) at the Apple App Store. Warganet still mentions the Directorate General of Immigration regarding questions and complaints about passports online. The online passport queue application is still the top issue discussed by citizens and contains negative sentiments. Quota is always full and the websites and applications that are often down are mostly complained by Warganet. This paper is expected to be an input for leaders to conduct policy evaluations, so that in the future it can predict what potentials can threaten the sustainability of the organization. In this paper the author tries to describe and explain comprehensively with regard to theoretical concepts and legal audits of the problem in question.