Online-Based Arabic Learning Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Plan, Implementation and Evaluation


Currently, Arabic language learning is required to be held online. In this situation, the government has forced to announce instructions for implementing online learning since March 2020. However, these instructions have made Arabic teachers experiencing difficulties in implementing online learning. Innovative learning management is highly needed to overcome these problems. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of the management of Arabic language learning, especially in planning, implementing, and evaluating, organized by teachers who are members of the Arabic teachers’ forum. This study used a descriptive method by adopting data analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that in planning, the Arabic teachers made a lesson plan which would be held online. As for implementing the lesson plan, the teachers use synchronous and asynchronous models. They also used a combination of two models, a written test presented using Google form and Quizizz media for evaluation. On the other hand, some teachers also conducted oral tests using voice recordings through WhatsApp. This research suggests that teachers can better manage the planning, implementing, and evaluating online learning in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic following the characteristics and models of online learning.