
Pendidikan memiliki kewajiban mempersiapkan sumber daya orang buat pembangunan. Derap tahap pembangunan senantiasa diupayakan seiringan dengan desakan jaman, kemajuan era senantiasa menimbulkan tantangan- tantangan terkini yang sebahagiannya kerap tidak bisa diramalkan tadinya. Selaku dampak logis pendidikan senantiasa dihadapkan pada permasalahan terkini. Bersumber pada hasil pembelajaran dengan memakai bentuk pembelajaran Snowball Throwing yang bisa tingkatkan hasil belajar anak didik kelas VI MIN Kudus dalam menguasai modul Tipe Profesi serta Penggunaan Uang. Perihal ini nampak dari presentase ketuntasan belajar yang didapat oleh anak didik, dimana pada penerapan siklus I didapat ketuntasan belajar merupakan 64% serta pada siklus II didapat persentase 89%. Pemakaian bentuk pembelajaran Snowball Throwing bisa tingkatkan aktivitas anak didik dalam melakukan aktivitas belajar membimbing, perihal ini nampak dari hasil pengamatan yang dicoba oleh seseorang pengamat yang ialah kawan kerja peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Hasil observasi pada penerapan siklus I didapat persentase sebesar 64% serta pada daur II hasil pengamatan kegiatan anak didik sebesar 89%. Hasil pengamatan kepada kesertaan belajar anak didik dari siklus I hingga daur II membuktikan terdapatnya kenaikan aktifitas anak didik dalam aktivitas pembelajaran. Education has an obligation to prepare people's resources for development. The stage of development is always pursued in line with the insistence of the era, the progress of the era always poses the latest challenges that some often can not be foreseen. As the logical impact of education is always faced with the latest problems. It is based on the results of learning using a form of Snowball Throwing learning that can improve the training results of grade 6 students at MIN Kudus in mastering the Professional Type module as well as The Use of Money. This subject can be seen from the percentage of learning completion obtained by students, where in the application of cycle I obtained learning completion is 64% and in the second cycle obtained a percentage of 89%. The use of Snowball Throwing learning form can increase the activities of students in conducting guiding training activities, this is evident from the observations tried by an observer who is a research fellow in conducting this research. The results of observations on the application of cycle I obtained a percentage of 64% and in cycle II results of observation of students' activities by 89%. The results of observations on the learning participation of students from cycle I to cycle II prove that there is an increase in the activities of students in learning activities.