Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Spinning Wheel dalam Pembelajaran Qawa>id Nahwu


In fact, in the field, there are still many beginner level santriwati, especially in grade VII at the Darul Qur'an Wal Irsyad Islamic Boarding School, who still have difficulty learning qawaid nahwu. This is because the delivery of material is not communicative, the methods of teaching are still inaccurate, and there is a lack of continuous training. The Spinning Wheel media is considered very suitable for achieving qawaid nahwu learning objectives, namely by describing the text then followed by examples and finally explaining the rules. Media my dream wheel is used to support questions and exercises for students so that students don't feel bored. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of the spinning wheel media in learning Arabic, especially qawaid nahwu The methods of collecting data are observation, interviews with student and teacher, tests, and documentation. The approach used is quantitative. The result of this research is that effectiviness of the spnning wheel media can improve the qawaid nahwu learning process in the seventh grade training of students of the Darul Qur'an Wal Islamic Boarding School.