MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA TENTANG “KHÂTAM” AL-NABIYYÎN (Studi atas Penggunaan Q.S. al-Azab, [33]:40 Sebagai Dasar Penetapan Fatwa Tentang Ahmadiyah)


In this article the author elaborates upon the meaning of Khatam al-Nabiyyîn phrase. Phrase that becomes part of the Qur’an surah al-Ahzab, verse [33]: 40 are used as one of bases for establishing the MUI fatwa about the deviate religious sect of Ahmadiyya. The purpose of writing this article is to consider proportionally over the use of the verse as a basis for establishing the fatwa. Proportional consideration is done by understanding the verse objectively. The method used in understanding the verse is FDE Schleiermacher’s hermeneutic. In this hermeneutic, linguistic structure becomes into the beginning of reading before contextual reading of the verse reduction. From the dialectic of the two aspects of the readings, objective meaning will be found. By using this method, the findings indicate that the MUI is less proportionate in using the verse as foundation of the fatwa. Khatam al-Nabiyyîn is less appropriate if it is understood that Muhammad is the last prophet in a theological context. The phrase is more appropriate if it is understood that the Prophet Muhammad is more special than other prophets.