Penggunaan Daluwarsa sebagai Dasar Gugatan Praperadilan di Indonesia: Antara Formil atau Materiil


This article aims to answer what is the scope of pretrial in statutory regulations and whether expiration can be used as an excuse to file a pretrial lawsuit. By using legal research methods through statutory, conceptual, and case-based approaches, this article concludes that the absence of a clear categorization regarding the formal and material aspects of the expiration case creates a dilemma. In its development, expiration has begun to be recognized as a formal reason which incidentally does not touch the subject matter of the case, an thus can be used as a pretrial excuse. This can be seen in the Pre-trial Decision Number: 143/Pid.Prap/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel. Ultimately, this article suggests the need for a clear regulation in the Perma regarding the categorization of formal and material aspects in pretrial hearings.