Improving Students Reading Comprehension Of Procedure Text By Using Demonstration Method At Grade X IPA 1 SMAN 1 Candung


The research was done to improve students’ reading comprehension in procedure text by using demonstration method. Moreover, the aim of this study was to find out whether the using of demonstration method was able to increased students learning result of procedure text material at grade X IPA 1. The research was a collaborative classroom action research. In this study not only teacher what act as instructors. Thic class action research was divided into 2 cycles that refer to the class action research procedures was planning, implementation, observation and reflection. In cycle I the researcher act as a teacher while the researcher acts as an observer. The research data were collected through observation checklist and tests given to students. The test gives to students in the form of a post-test as the end of learning. The subject of the study was the students of grade X IPA 1 SMAN 1 Candung. The total number of students in the class was 21 students’. The results of analysis showed that the demonstration method could improve students’ learning result in reading comprehension of procedure text. It was shown from the results of observation checklist and students’ learning test in 2 cycles. The results of observations that had been obtained in this study both the observation checklist that had been obtained in this study both the observation checklist of teachers and students’ in cycle I and cycle II an increase in the learning process activities. The students’ learning result that had been obtained in this study showed improvement. On the initial ability of students (pre-test) the results obtained by students the average score of the class is 74,47. The results obtained by students in students the cycle I (post-test) the average score of the class was 75,95. In the second cycle the results obtained by students the average score of the class 77,14. From the results obtained by students in cycle I to cycle II an increase in student learning results and has reached the completeness criteria. The completeness criterion (KKM) was 75. To prove the truth of a significant improvement in student learning results in cycle I and cycle II using t-test. The results obtained in the t-test that is the count was 4,74. The t-table in db 20 = 0,05 is 1,72. So it can be concluded that the use of demonstration method could improve students’ learning result.