Budaya Literasi dalam Pembentukan Karakter Muslim dengan Kajian Tokoh


The emergence of the literacy movement in the community from the RT to the provincial level has made this movement not only accommodated and driven by the government but also fostered by some literacy communities themselves. Campus as an academician is related to students, especially in responding to the positive trends that are currently developing in society. Remembering that students are symbols of academics, youth, agents of change, agents of change, which are engraved as reminders. The campus world that encourages students to be rich, at least paper assignments and presentations are at least a trigger for literacy awareness. The academy world will encourage students to work, in the form of paper assignments and presentations, at least to trigger awareness of the importance of literacy. One of the literacy cultures towards students is through an intensive teaching process in Arabic at STIT Palapa Nusantara which is designed to foster Muslim character who has the nature, peaceful attitude, and strength of religion-based character. This begins with introducing the literacy tradition of Muslim figures such as Rasulullah, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Maryam, Hajar, Asiyah and others. Literacy is sourced from the Koran and other sources to provide knowledge to students about Islam, peace and the strength of character based on faith. Literacy and character growth are very important because they are in a phase of growth of brilliant and mature thinking. It is hoped that it will direct their thoughts and activities towards positive ones and reflect peace as the spirit of Islam