Sains dan Pembelajarannya pada Anak Usia Dini


Science is systematically structured knowledge obtained from a series of experiments and observations that can be further tested. While science for early childhood is science that is targeted at early childhood both in kindergarten and elementary school levels. Science is now a very important thing to introduce to young children because science can encourage children to think critically, so that with science, children do not just accept and reject something. During this time the lack of knowledge of children in the concept of learning science due to the learning methods carried out less attractive to children to follow the ongoing learning process. Science learning is also not fully referring to early childhood learning done while playing because the child's world is a world of play. There are two science learning processes for early childhood, namely the scientific process and the scientific process skills of science learning. In summary, the scientific process and scientific process skills include observation, grouping, measurement, communication, conducting experiments, concluding and applying.