Penanganan Kasus Lambat Belajar pada Siswa Kelas 1 SDN PB Kelapa Dua Tangerang


Slow learning children or sow learnes are one of the children with special needs who need special education services in inclusive schools. Special education services are needed because children who graduate must face several learning problems, such as: 1). Difficulty understanding abstract concepts 2). Have limited vocabulary 3). Have a low motivation to learn 4). Requires a longer time to understand a material compared to normal children his age and 5). Requires repetition in the explanation of the material. This study uses interview, observation and documentation techniques to obtain data. Observation results indicate that teachers in elementary schools think that students who have difficulty learning or are slow to learn in understanding the material being taught are students who are less able to understand knowledge within a predetermined time limit because there are certain factors that influence it.