Bahasa Arab dengan Tujuan Khusus Berbasis Komunikatif Wisata Travelling


Arabic with Special Purposes Based on Communicative Travel Traveling is learning that is special and has special needs, the content and teaching methods are based on reasons that encourage students to learn a language with a specific purpose. The development of Arabic teaching materials for this specific purpose aims to describe the problem of teaching Arabic for tourism or traveling, especially for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. This paper also presents the definition of Language Learning with Special Purposes, History of Language Learning with Special Purposes, Classification of Language Learning with Special Purposes, Teaching Arabic for Special Purposes and teaching it for special purposes, The advantages of learning with special objectives, while the final presentation of this paper will We take examples of qiro'ah texts in the form of hiwar or ta'bir or with pictures related to traveling or tourism, especially for Hajj and Umrah and will include mufrodats that follow or fields of meaning or in terms of science dilalah "al huqul addilaly" mufrodat related to Hajj and Umrah.