Pelatihan Penyusunan RKH dengan Metode Pembelajaran BCCT (Beyond Center and Circle Times) di PAUD Al Barokah Desa Pengadang


The implementation of this community service program was aimed at increasing the PAUD teachers’ skill in planning, drafting and developing the daily lesson plan commonly known as the Rencana Kegiatan Harian (RKH) using the latest and updated format of RKH with the BCCT learning method. The program was conducted at PAUD Al-Barokah Pengadang Village Praya in Central Lombok attended by 10 teachers from the surrounding area. The results show that the program gives some positive effects both to the teachers and the children such as improving teachers’ knowledge and skill of the newly and updated format of RKH, increasing children’s activity and enthusiasm in participating in learning activities compared to the monotonous learning material, and improving children's learning abilities using different and interesting media every week.