Uji Kinerja Mesin Pengupas Kacang Tanah Satu Phase di SMK N 1 Sakra Lombok Timur NTB


Peanut (Arachia Hypogaea) is a leguminous plant that is used to take seeds and is one of the largest food crop commodities in Indonesia. The stripping stage of the peanut is a post-harvest stage which requires a long time if peeled manually, because hard peanut texture can cause injury to the hands of the peasants who do stripping so that the right technology to efficiently stripping time, stripping has a very important role vital in peeling peanuts into ready-made peanut seeds and for storing as reserves. This study aims to determine the parts of the post-harvest machine tool, to determine the technical aspects of peanut peeler. The technical aspects that are dedicated in this research are work capacity, tool work efficiency, yield and fuel usage. The method used is the experimental method. The results of the technical analysis show that the working capacity of the machine tool is 234,483 kg / hour, the efficiency of the tool is 93.7%, the rendering is 73% and the fuel consumption in one hour reaches 2.7 liters.