Pendidikan Kedisiplinan Siswa Madrasah Aliyah


Discipline in this study is the ability to control and direct his behavior in the school environment, so that a sense of responsibility and self-esteem arises, which makes the student learning process run smoothly. Discipline referred to in this study includes discipline in learning, obeying school rules and regulations, and discipline in the use of time. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. To obtain valid and accurate data, the authors use three techniques. In carrying out the learning of disciplinary values in Madrasah Aliyah as follows (1) Teachers often find students who are less enthusiastic at the last hour. (2) Schools will take firm action if they find students who have committed crimes. (3) Different backgrounds of students who come from outside the region. Because student discipline is one's obedience and obedience to the rules, rules and regulations that apply.