Pelaksanaan Penilaian Autentik Kurikulum 2013 pada Pembelajaran Tematik SDN Curug 01


This study aims to determine the teacher's understanding of authentic assessment in thematic learning based on the 2013 curriculum at SDN Curug 01 and describe the implementation of authentic assessment of the 2013 curriculum on thematic learning based on the 2013 curriculum at SDN Curug 01. Using a qualitative approach with this type of descriptive research.  The research subjects were all 12 grade teachers of SD Gugus Markisa Kota Banda Aceh.  Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation.The results show that: the teacher's understanding of authentic assessment is good, it can be seen that the teacher's understanding of authentic assessment.  The implementation of authentic assessments that the teacher applies in thematic learning includes the assessment of attitudes, religious, social, knowledge and skills competencies.  Attitude assessment is carried out by observation (observation), self-assessment, assessment between students and journals.  Knowledge assessment is carried out by means of written, oral, and assignment tests.  And skills assessment is carried out through performance, projects and portfolios.