Komunikasi Interaksi Sosial Antar Remaja dalam Meningkatkan Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Desa Saba Lombok Tengah


The process of social interaction is an element of the communication process, in which both are closely related. The process of social interaction can be established if the communication process is also effective both between individuals and individuals, individuals and groups, groups and groups. The communication process can be said to be effective if the delivery of information from the communicator to the communicant can lead to reciprocity so that mutual understanding can be achieved between the two parties. From this communication process will arise patterns, models, forms and also small parts that are closely related to the communication process. This paper examines in depth the communication of social interaction between adolescents in enhancing Islamic ukhuwah in Saba Village, Central Lombok. This research is a field research using a qualitative approach that has the purpose of documentation, identification and in-depth reinterpretation of world views, values ​​and general characteristics of a person or group of people about life events, situations and other human phenomena. In this study, it was found that the form of social interaction between teenagers in improving ukhuwah Islamiyah is cooperation with various things, accommodation which is a form of effort to reduce disagreement between adolescents due to differences in understanding or views and prevent the emergence of a conflict and the final form is assimilation which is a social process that is marked by efforts to reduce the differences that exist between adolescents which also includes efforts to enhance the achievement of shared interests and goals so that ukhuwah islamiyah among adolescents in the village of Saba is getting better and intertwined in harmony.