Tematik Ayat-ayat Pendidikan Politik dalam Al-Qur’an


The teachings of Islamic law in political and state affairs in the outline are already in the Qur'an. So it feels necessary to develop a thematic about political verses. This research is descriptive. The results found: after analyzing the researcher comprehensively, it found thematic 13 political verses in the al-Qur'an (political pillars), namely: 1). Law from God; the power and sovereignty of God Almighty (Al-Nisa ': 78, Al-‘Am: 62, Yasiin: 83, Al-A'raaf: 4, Al-Ahzab: 36); 2). Obedience to the Leader (Al-Nuur: 48); 3). Musyawwarah and decision-making system (Al-Imran: 159, Al-Shura: 38); 4). The necessity to unite and prohibit division (Al-Imran: 103); 5). The necessity to apply, is fair and fulfills justice (Al-Nisa ': 58, Al-Nisa': 135); 6). Necessity applies, is mandate and fulfill the mandate to the right (Al-Baqarah: 283, Al-Imran: 75, Al-Nisa ': 2, Al-Nisa': 58, Al-Anfal: 27, Al-Mu'minuun: 8); 7). Equality of equality and position of fellow Muslims (Al-Hujurat: 13); 8). Must defend yourself and family (Al-Tahrim: 6, Al-Syu'araa ': 214); 9). Characteristics of the Leader (Al-Baqarah: 247, Al-Nisa ': 139, Al-Nisa': 141, Al-Nisa ': 144, Al-Anfaal: 73); 10) Misleading Leaders (Al-Maidah: 77, Al-Tawba: 12, Al-Taubah: 34); 11). Inaugurating Leaders (Al-A’raaf: 142, Al-A’raaf: 150); 12) Responsibilities of the Leader (Al-Maaidah: 42, Al-Syuara ': 215, Al-Ahzab: 6); 13). Wisdom Using Islamic Law (Al-Baqarah: 213, Al-Maaidah: 44, Al-Nisa ': 60).