Kreativitas Guru dalam Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran PKn untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Siswa


The purpose of this study is to raise the issue of teacher creativity in using Civics learning methods in an effort to increase student motivation in grade IV SD Negeri Tanah Tinggi 7. This study uses a qualitative approach, then the instruments used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The object of his research was a teacher in class IV SD Negeri Tanah Tinggi . The results of the study stated that the method used by the teacher as usual is the method of lecture, question-answer or quiz and the method of matching images. The teacher also has a strategy to increase student learning motivation, by giving rewards to students, such as rewards in the form of praise, high grades, food and objects. This shows that the efforts of grade IV teachers in using methods and strategies in learning are quite varied.