Membangun Komunikasi Efektif Guru dan Siswa di Madrasah dalam Perspektif Ilmu Komunikasi


This research presents about how to shape students moral values ​​in realizing effective dialectics which has been running less harmoniously lately. Effective dialectics as a major bridge in the decline of teacher and student communication in madrasas. This research uses library research (library research). Data collection and use patterns by means of documentation. The data analysis technique for this research is content analysis. The results of this study are in realizing effective communication there are seven elements in it, namely: 1) Communicator, 2) Message, 3) Media, 4) Communicator, 5) Impact, 6) Feed back, 7) Barrier. As well as knowing the components in realizing effective dialectics which consists of teachers and students in madrasas are: 1) Clarity, 2) Accuracy, 3) Context, 4) Flow, 5) habits. And also includes strategies in realizing effective dialectics which consists of teachers and students are: 1) Knowing the Partner (audience), 2) Knowing the objectives, 3) Paying attention to the context, 4) Learning the Tradition, 5) Understanding the Language. So dialectics are said to be effective if within the dialectics there are seven elements, components and strategies therein.