Mengembangkan Bahan Intruksional pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di SDN 08 Karang Tengah


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the process learning from home (BDR) during the Covid-19 pandemic in grade II SD 08 middle reef. This research uses mixed methods. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire given to students once a month. The subject of this research is the homeroom teacher of grade II SD 08 middle reef. evaluation process. Suggested in learning from home (BDR), teacher required to be able to design learning activities from planning to evaluation in a way that is simpler, more creative and effective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the learning from home (BDR) process during the Covid-19 pandemic in class II SD 08 Karang Tengah. This research uses mixed methods. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire given to students once a month. The subject of this research is the homeroom teacher of class II SD 08 Karang Tengah. evaluation process. It is recommended that in learning from home (BDR), teachers are required to be able to design learning activities from planning to evaluation in a simpler, more creative and effective way.