Analisis Pengelolaan Evaluasi Pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013 di SDN Pinang 03 Kota Tangerang


This study aims to describe the management of 2013 curriculum evaluation learning with affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Place of research in SDN Pinang 03 Tangerang City. Research time is March 2020. Subjects of teachers and fourth grade students of SDN Pinang 03 Tangerang City. Data collection techniques namely observation and interviews. Research Results: (1) Management of learning evaluation on affective aspects, conducted using attitude evaluation, and only done at the beginning of the 2013 curriculum implementation, (2) Management of learning evaluation of cognitive aspects is done by evaluating in writing, oral and assignment. Evaluation of cognitive aspects is done by the teacher at the end of each meeting. The evaluation form of the assignments given by the teacher is done individually or in groups. (3) Management of learning evaluation of psychomotor aspects is done by providing performance evaluations, and portfolios. Assignments in the aspects of performance evaluation and portfolio are evaluated in groups, so that each group must demonstrate the cohesiveness of group members.