Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Siswa Tingkat Sekolah Dasar Kabupaten Tangerang


The purpose of this research is to produce valid and practical questions in accordance with the concept of Bloom's Taxonomy. This research is an instrument development research consisting of seven steps (1) compiling test specifications (2) writing test questions (3) examining test questions (4) improving tests (5) conducting test trials (6) analyzing test items (7) ) interpret the test results. The subjects in the trial of this instrument were grade III students of SD Negeri Tangerang Regency. Class III SD Negeri Tangerang Regency has 2 classes, namely class III A and Class III B. From the results of the analysis it is found that all multiple choice questions are valid with a value of 0.80 and valid description questions with a value of 2.05 which means it has high reliability. It can be concluded that the results of this test instrument were successful. Because these questions are generated according to indicators, the rules of writing multiple choice questions and description questions that have gone through stages of the process of developing questions are based on the elementary school curriculum.