Menganalisis Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Formatif Siswa di MI Nurul Huda Kota Tangerang


This study aims to determine the design and conduct of formative evaluation of students in one school in order to know the development of students in understanding school learning material and to make it easier for teachers to report student learning evaluation in conducting assessment reports, analyzing student data at school. This research was conducted at MI Nurul Huda Tangerang, Banten province. The results of research conducted by interviewing several teachers at MI Nurul Huda Tangerang. Based on the research results, research in designing and implementing formative evaluation of students has been carried out in the development process which has the teacher analyzing and making student reports in carrying out formative evaluations can be defined as providing, analyzing, and using data as information that will be used as decision making in evaluating formative towards students. Hence, formative evaluation can make it easier for teachers to compile student data, and carry out student evaluations in class by holding daily exams and final semester exams. So we know the results of the exam as a teacher that the student has understood the material that the teacher has explained the learning material to students