Alternatif Strategi Pembelajaran pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SDIT Al-Akmal


This research is discusses about alternative learning strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic which aims to find out what learning strategies can be applied by teachers during the current pandemic and to help find solutions so that the material that the teacher wants to convey can be understood by students even though teachers and students have to undergo online learning activities. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. In this research, the data collected is in the form of written sentences based on the explanations that have been given by the speakers orally. In this study, the research subjects used were the Principal of SDIT Al-Akmal Kutabumi Tangerang. And the object under study is about alternative learning strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the results of the interview, for SDIT Al-Akmal school in addressing the policy of online learning activities, it is to provide opportunities for students who do not understand the material with students coming to school and students doing face-to-face learning activities with other students, but students who can attend the number is limited and students who need more explanation will be given a schedule. So that way students can understand the material presented while adhering to established health protocols.