Model Pengembangan Mutu di Lembaga Pendidikan


Improving the quality of education is aimed at improving the quality of Indonesian people through exercise, thinking, sports and sports in order to have competitiveness in facing global challenges. Increasing the relevance of education is intended to produce graduates in accordance with the demands of the needs based on the potential of Indonesia's natural resources. Improving the quality of Islamic education institutions needs to be continuously pursued by prioritizing quality analysis theories and their application in every managerial process. Quality problems always have implications for the selling value of an educational institution. The achievements and prestige of the institution are highly dependent on the quality of learning, facilities and infrastructure, supporting facilities, teachers and students, and learning outcomes. This type of research used in this research is a library (Library Research). This research is aimed at collecting data and information with the help of various materials in the library room, such as books, magazines, document notes and other historical stories. Some of the Quality Concepts put forward by experts, namely the concept of quality according to Joseph Juran with the Theory Juran trilogy, namely Quality planning, Quality control, Quality improvement and the quality concept according to Deming with Teoi POAC and the management cycle which is the reference in quality assurance activities, namely Plan, Do, Check, Action (PDCA). Meanwhile, efforts to improve or develop the quality of education are carried out on improving the quality of educational institutions and improving the quality of educators by using the following strategies: self-evaluation, self-assessment, formulation of vision and mission, planning, implementation and reporting.Keyword: Model, quality