Pengaruh Lafaz Nāṣ al-‘Ᾱm (Umum) dan Nāṣ al-Khāṣ (Khusus) pada Ijtihad Para Ulama


Moslem scholars are the prophets’ heir. There have been the Islam treasuries which they have bequeathed for Islam generations. That it cannot be denied happens difference of their ijtihād in doing istinbāṭ the law of a problem, but their differences are based on argumentation, although there is the better opinion than others (rājiḥ). It is related with that, the existence of the Common and special texts in al-Qur’ān and Hadith is one of factors influencing the moslem scholars’ ijtihād in doing istinbāṭ (to decide) the law of a problem. Keyword : Lafaz, Nāṣ, Ijtih ṣ ād.