Konsep Syura dalam Alquran
The concept of Syūrā is one of the concepts existed in the Qur'an, and it is monumentalized by Allah Almighty in the Qur'an as one name of its chapters, al-Syūrā. The word “Syūrā” in etymologically has two defnitions, that are: “to reveal and expose something or take something”. While in the perspective of terminology, there are several defnitions, one of which is “a process of exposing various opinions with argumentation in an issue, tested by experts who has capabilities on the issue in order to conclude the right and the best implemental solution so that the expected objectives can be achieved”. This study focuses on the discussion about the status of Syūrā and its urgency in Islam, the concept of Syūrā in the Qur'an, as well as the differences between the Syūrā and Democracy. This research used qualitative methods with the theological normative approach, resulting in a conclusion that Syūrā is very important as one of the basic steps and most important rule of law enforcement in Islam on various aspects of the life of mankind.