Analisis Penyelesaian Tindakan Side Streaming pada Pembiayaan Murabahah dalam Perspektif Fikih Muamalah di BRISyariah KC Jombang


This research aims to analize the completion of side streaming actions on murabahah financing at BRISyariah KC Jombang and its review of fiqh muamalat. The method of this research used fiqheconomic approach with  descriptive normative data analysis. Data field finding about the completion of side streaming were analyzed with refers to fiqh muamalat law. The results showed  that the completion of side streaming actions on murabaha financing at BRISyariah was carried out in a persuasive way with administrative control. In the fiqh muamalat study, side streaming made a contract into fasakh. The solution of fasakh contract due to the side streaming is by changing the contract or re-contract. Practically, the completion of side streaming at BRISyariah KC Jombang has not fully accordance with fiqh muamalat because there is still not achieving the purpuso of the contract.