Faktor – Faktor Yang Berdampak Terhadap Pendapatan Margin Murabahah Pada Bank BRI Syariah Periode 2012 - 2019


This study objective to  examine factor the impact income margin Murabahah in islamic banking Indonesia. Multiple   linier  regreson  analysis, coefficient of  determination, hypotesis testing and the classical   assumption  is the analyctic tool in this research. The islam bank in indonesia are the populaton in this study,   while . The sampling of this resarch is the bank BRI syariah in Indonesia by using saturated sampling method. The result show that, (1) the Murabahah Financing has a partial impact on the Murabahah margin income (2) the third party funds have a partial impact on the Murabahah margin income in BRI syariah, (3) the BI Rate has a partial impact on the Murabahah margin income in BRI syariah, and (4) the operational cost have a partial impact on Murabahah margin income in BRI syariah, while Variabel Murabahah Financing, Third Party Funds, BI Rate, and Operational Cost have a simultaneous impact on Murabahah margin income. The result of the coefficient of determination on the ajusted R Square value is 0.834, which means that the variable Murabahah Financing, Third Party Funds, BI Rate and Operational Cost impact Murabahah margin income by 83.4%