Pengaruh Pembiayaan Murabahah, Mudharabah, Musyarakah Dan Rasio Non Performing Financing Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada BPRS Provinsi Jawa Tengah Periode 2013-2018


Purpose- This study aims to re-examine the influence of murabahah, mudharabah, musyarakah, and financing and non-performing financing ratios on the profitability of BPRS Central Java. Methods- Secondary data were obtained from the results of the publication of the financial statements of each Islamic people's credit bank (BPRS) from 2013 to 2018. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. Finding- The mudharabah financing has a significant negative effect and non-performing financing (NPF) has a positive and significant effect on profitability (ROA). While Murabaha and musyarakah financing are not proven to affect ROA.