Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Islam di Indonesia


This paper discusses communication and Islamic culture in Indonesia, here the author raises three focus issues, namely: First, how is the relationship between Communication and Culture; second, how is the relationship between culture and religion; and Third, how to institutionalize Islamic cultural values in Indonesia. To answer the focus of the problem above, the writer uses descriptive analysis method. To answer the first problem formula, Communication and culture are two inseparable ethnicities, Mulyana says that once we start talking about communication, we inevitably talk about culture. Second, between religion and culture has a very strong and complementary relationship and is impossible to separate, such as the influence of Islam on culture and cultural influences on Islam. So that it is known as the term "cultural Islamization and civilizing Islam" and the third, Institutionalizing Islamic values is also very strong to form a system of knowledge and intellectual knowledge of the people, customs and belief systems, national culture, economic system, and the formation of Muslim behavior in Indonesia. In short, Islamic values have been compounded with Indonesian national culture