
The art paradigm that uses the Kancil story as a method of introducing moral values certainly has its own uniqueness and purpose. These two different views of the KPK and Tamansiswa are very contradictive, the same source gets the opposite interpretation. Therefore, the story of Kancil is interesting to study regarding its feasibility as one of the teaching materials in school. This paper will reveal the view of education in Taman Siswa about the Kancil story, specifically about Sendratari composed by Ki Hadi Sukatno which was studied through qualitative research with a discussion of descriptive analysis approach. The results of the study revealed the art transformation in Taman Siswa by explaining how educational facilities must be dynamic along with the development of the child's nature. Through dance, music, and drama movements collected in Sendratari “Mouse deer stealing Cucumbers", Ki Hadi Sukatno was able to implement the concept of the Among System created by Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The use of Kancil stories as a means of education must be sorted out which matches the basic or secondary level.Therefore, it is necessary to have a method that matches the character so that it finds the moral value implied through the fabric of the story.