Effectiveness of in-house training to improve teachers' ability to ask questions


This study aims to improve the ability of teachers to ask questions. The method used in this research is a one-cycle action research in the form of Pre-Experimental Design. In this experimental design, there is no control variable (control class) and it is not chosen randomly. It is said to be pre-experimental design because this design is not a real experiment, because there are still external variables that influence the formation of the dependent variable. So, the experimental results which are the dependent variable are not only influenced by the independent variables. The results showed the teacher's questioning skills before IHT were implemented with a minimum value of 21, a maximum of 28, a mean of 24.79 with a standard deviation of 2.15. Teacher questioning skills after implementing IHT minimum 33, maximum 41, mean 37.5 with a standard deviation of 2.50. The sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000 <0.05 so that Ho is rejected, which means that the application of IHT on teacher questioning skills can improve teacher questioning skills.