VCT (Role Playing) Model To Increase Awareness of Democratic Value in Citizenship Learning


This research is motivated by the existence of problems in Civics learning in elementary schools, especially in class V. Civics learning in elementary schools tends to be conventional. Students are only instructed by the teacher to take notes and memorize their notes. In addition, Civics learning does not raise awareness of the value of democracy in students so that students do not like to respect people's opinions, and do not provide opportunities for people to express opinions in joint decision making. This study aims to determine the steps of Civics learning by using VCT role playing, awareness of democratic values ​​from within students after learning Civics using VCT role playing, and knowing student learning outcomes in Civics learning using VCT role playing. From the resulting data, it shows that there is an increase in the Civics learning process by 59.4%. In addition, learning outcomes have also increased, in cycle I the average student learning outcomes were only 56.68, cycle II the average student learning outcomes 76.37 , while in cycle III it reached an average number of 85.15. From the improvement of the process and learning outcomes, it can be concluded that the VCT role playing learning model can increase awareness of the value of democracy in students and student learning outcomes in Civics learning on the topic of joint decisions.