Penerapan Kaidah Lā Nahyu Pada Juz 30


The Uṣūl scholars in both jurisprudence and interpretations of al-Nahyu mean al-Tahrīm (التحريم) or Majazī, which has several meanings such as duā (الدعاء), iltimas (التمس), irsyād (ارشاد), dawām (دوام), bayān al-'aqībah (بيان العقيبه), al-yais (اليأس), parknī (التمني), tahdīd, (تهديد), karāhah (الْكَرَاهةَ), taḥqir (تحقير), i'tinاā) and taubīkh (توبيخ). The use of nahyu is more emphasized in Islamic law and operational law. Whereas the practice of nihilism on matters of faith, faith and morals are still rare. Therefore, the author can analyze la nahyu with the approach of Muhammad Khalid al-Sabt in Qawā'id al-Tafsīr's work on Juz 30 which is a Makiyyah letter and is repeated 4 times in al-Ḍuhā's letter: 9.10, al-'Alaq: 19, al-Mā'un: 3. Besides, the research shows that Usman bin Sabith's use of the Rash law is the first rule used in 3 verses, the fourth rule in 1 verse. Whereas the meaning of nahyu means 3 times the meaning of al-tahrīm. The meaning of majazī is repeated 1 time with the meaning of bayān al-'aqībah 1 time. It shows that the verses of Makiyyah do not offend Islamic law but emphasize universal faith, creed, and morals.