Landasan Teori Konseling Islam


In Islam, counseling is one way to form an ideal human being. It is even said that counseling is a advice given by Allah to all the messengers and prophets. Through this counseling advice, they become so valuable and beneficial to humans, both in matters of religion, the world, and also solving problems in daily life. Islamic counseling is also an activity of giving advice, guidance, lessons to individuals who need it and its apply based on the foundation of Islamic teachings, namely the Al-Qur'an and Al-Sunnah. Its existence is a very important need, because each of them will go through problems and the like in achieving their life goals and in living life, so with the help of Islamic counseling services it is hoped that individuals who experience problems will not look for wrong alternatives to calm themselves. Islam as a perfect religion, one of its perfection is shown by having a formula on the idea of counseling through the  Al-Qur’an  and its articulation through the life of the prophet Muhammad saw, in his life he has applied the values of counseling in educating, directing, advising and also teaching his people. In each activity, he shows role models that can be drawn into a basic framework in scientific disciplines to be developed and applied today, including in Islamic counseling science.