RU’YATULLAH PERSPEKTIF MU’TAZILAH DAN AHL AL-SUNNAH WA AL-JAM Ā’AH(Studi Komparatif Tafsīr al-Kasshāf Karya al-Zamakhshary dan Mafātīḥ al-Ghayb Karya al-Rāzī)


Ulama have a different opinion about the ru’yatullah verses. Mufassir Mu’tazilah argues that it is imposible that Allah can be seen. While the majority of Sunni mufassir states that Allah can be seen. Mufassir from the follower of Mu’tazilites is Al-Zamakhsyari, while interpreter from the follower of Sunni are al-Razi. The problem is the back ground that encourages differences in interpretation between al-Zamakhsyari and al-Razi in the interpretation of ru’yatullah verses. The background that encourages differences interpretation between al-Zamaksyari and al-Razi is life journey of both. In terms of life al-Zamakhsyari was raised in the Mu’tazilah environment, while al-Razi lived in the conflict of Sunni and Mu’tazilah especially in ideology. Then in the education background, al-Zamakhsyari studied on ulama Mu’tazilalite, ulama with mazhab of Hanafi and linguist. While al-Razi studied to his father as fiqh expert and as ulama with madzhab al-Asy’ari and also studied to ulama al-Asy’ari aqeedah and also studied a lot of muslim philosophical. al-Zamkhsyari opinion about ru’ya tullah is that ru’yatullah cannot happen anytime, anywhere and by anyone. While al-Razi believes ru’yatullah can happen later in the hereafter. However, because of the weakness of potensial vision than God cannot be seen.