Lubâb At-Ta’wîl ‘Inda Al-Imâm Al-Khâzîn Baina Al-Ma’tsûr wa Ar-Ra’yi (Dirâsah Maudhu’iyyah fi Ayah al-Qashash)


<p>This paper concern to study about one of Tafseer book, namely <em>Lubâb </em><em>a</em><em>l-Ta'wîl </em><em>fi</em><em> Ma'ân</em><em>y</em><em> </em><em>at</em><em>-Tanzîl</em> by Imam al-Khazin. Some scholars differ in the setting of sources of tafseer. Such as, the well-known scholars, Muhammad Ali Iyazi and Muhammad Husain ad-Dzahabi. Ulama Iyazi assumes that Tafseer Khazin belongs to the category of commentary bi al-Ma'tsûr, since this commentary is an <em>ikhtishar</em> of Tafseer al-Baghawi. While some scholars such as adz-Dzahabi, categorized this tafseer into the <em>bi al-Ra'yi</em>. By using the <em>tahlily</em> documentation method and the thematic method associated with Qashash verses in the Qur'an, the researchers found the correct method, namely the tafseer of <em>a</em><em>l-Atsar</em><em>y</em><em> </em><em>an</em><em>-Na</em><em>zha</em><em>r</em><em>y</em> or known by tafseer <em>bi al-Ma'tsûr </em>who use <em>R</em><em>a</em><em>'yi</em> as an extension of explanation and the determination of the most powerful law, seen from writing theme related at the end of its tafseer.</p>