Role of Inspectorate to Implementation of The Government Internal Control System (SPIP)


The Government's Internal Control System is carried out as a function of supervision of the implementation of government. The Inspectorate Office as a government partner is not only tasked with supervising but also giving direction so that the government does not get out of the agreed path. This study aims to find out how the implementation of the Inspectorate's role in the implementation of SPIP in Surakarta City, as well as analysing the constraints that affect the implementation of the role of the Inspectorate in the implementation of SPIP in Surakarta City and analysing the efforts of the Inspectorate to improve the implementation of SPIP in Surakarta. The results of the study show that: Supervision of government administration in Surakarta City which is carried out based on existing laws and regulations, in terms of the scope of supervision is internal supervision carried out internally functionally. Constraints that affect the role of the Inspectorate in the implementation of SPIP in the City of Surakarta are understanding of human resources for SPIP is still lacking and the number of personnel is inadequate, budget oversight activities are inadequate, there is no joint commitment in implementing SPIP and risk assessment and risk mapping are not optimal due to time constraints. The efforts of the Inspectorate to improve the implementation of SPIP in Surakarta City are by proposing the drafting of the Mayor's Regulation and the establishment of the SPIP Task Force, improving the quality of resources.