
To have good acquisition and awareness inreading, the learners need a long and continuousprocess, and therefore, they are required to haveautonomy in learning reading. This study aims topromote learner autonomy in reading class by combininglearner-centered reading teaching and extensive readingteaching. Learner-centered reading teaching was carriedout through group discussion, presentation, andlanguage awareness activities. Meanwhile, extensivereading teaching was done to review the learnersā€˜materials in presentation and reinforce their acquisition.Those two different approaches were applied due todifferences on learner's characteristics and needs. Theresult showed some success in the practice of autonomy,indicated by changes on learners' attitude. However,many learners showed that they focused more onobtaining score than on developing their languageacquisition. By implementing the approach, the teachercan assist learners to be aware of their ability to learnindependently and equip them with the skill needed forlong-life learning.Keywords: autonomous learning, learner-centered inteaching reading, Extensive reading teaching