
There are many aspects that need to be studied to see and understand in detail, including the study of the opinions of ulama ‘and KHI in addressing the problematic marriage of pregnant women out of wedlock. In this study, researchers sought to examine these two perspectives by looking at the underlying factors of the contovercial marriage of pregnant women out of wedlock in Indonesia. This is very urgent because the differences in legal consequences contained in KHI and perceptions of ulama ‘, which are actually manifestations of Islamic law are very visible. As in Article 53 KHI which tends to open wide the possibility for people who are not responsible for adultery, coupled with the legal consequences contained in KHI for adulterers is very light compared to the had law applied in some Islamic countries. To simplify this research, the compilers use a type of library research (library rescarch), whose data sources are extracted from written materials in the form of legal texts, both in the form of verses of the Qur’an, the books of hadith, rules of Islamic law and other written sources that are relevant to the subject matter of the marriage of pregnant women out of wedlock. The nature of this research is descriptive-analysis-comparative research. Because this study besides describing the marriage of pregnant women in the study of fiqh science descriptively, also compared the opinions of ulama ‘and KHI regarding the status of iddah for pregnant women out of wedlock. From the perceptions of ulama ‘and KHI, then the conclusion arises that there are differences of opinion between the two. For the Mālikī the marriage of pregnant women out of wedlock is divided into the marriage of pregnant women due to adultery with men who impregnate (biologically) and / or with other men (non-biological). Whereas KHI is more general and does not differentiate with whom the woman will marry. Apart from that, the child is pregnant. Pregnant women out of wedlock may be married by someone who impregnates her or by someone else who is not impregnating her, because there is no real prohibition from the Koran or Hadith. And the legal status of a legal marriage contract while fulfilling the pillars and the marriage conditions that have been determined by Islamic law, in addition there is also an element of benefit. Keywords: Iddah, Pregnant Outside of Marriage, Hamil Di Luar Nikah