Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab Berparadigma Integrasi-Interkoneksi Mengacu KKNI dan SN-DIKTI


The purpose of this article is to examine the development of integrated and interconnected paradigm based curriculum of the Arabic education based on KKNI and SN-Dikti. (1) Have the curriculum structure of the study program been prepared in accordance with the needs of students who will face challenges in society as the aim of the KKNI formulation?, (2) Is the depth and freedom of lecture material in accordance with the KKNI guidebook and curriculum preparation manual for high education?. This article is a type of library research with qualitative research method because the data source in this study is a curriculum document that was developed referring to KKNI and SN-Dikti in the PBA UIN Suka Yogyakarta Master’s Program. Data analysis method used descriptive-analytical method. The results of this study indicate the curriculum structure of the PBA Master’s program in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, referring to KKNI and SN-Dikti, which are grouped into basic courses of expertise, concentration, and support which are divided into compulsory and elective courses with a total of 40 credits. The determination of the level of breadth and depth of the study materials has covered the elements of KKNI and SN-Dikti qualifications, namely, elements of science, knowledge, skills and expertise. The curriculum structure approach used by the PBA UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta master program is a serial model approach that is based on its scientific logic or structure.