Fanaticism of Madzhab in Interpretation: Study of The Book of Aḥkam al-Qur’an By al-Jaṣṣaṣ


Tafsir ʼAḥkam Al-Qurʻan is one of the works of Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Razi al-Jaṣaṣ, that is interesting to research. In addition to his fanatical interpretation of the Hanafi madzhab, this interpretation is also often perceived as incompatible with the verse spoken (out of context). It’s used as a reference to society in the middle ages, where the Qur'an was dominated by its use for political, madzhab, or ideological purposes to defend certain interests. In addition to the important book, it’s unique in terms of its characteristics, therefore it will examine the Tafsir ʼAḥkam Al-Qurʻan in terms biography of al-Jaṣaṣ, the background of interpreting writing, interpretation methods, systematics and discussion of the book, as well as some examples of the interpretation of the book. This article uses descriptional method of analysis library. As for the results of this study al-Jaṣṣaṣ in compiling his book is inconsistent in terms of patterns, methods, or systems. al-Jaṣṣaṣ who is too fanatical in his madzhab has an effect on his interpretation based on reason. Many interpretations are poured out of his own mind and sometimes go astray. He also gave a scathing comment to another madzhab who disagreed with al-Jaṣaṣ.