Klarifikasi al-Darwîsh atas Pandangan Orientalis tentang Kontradiksi Ayat al-Qur’an dengan Kaidah Nahw


  This paper will examine clarification Muhy al-Dîn al-Darwîsh against charges orientalistabout the authenticity of the Koran. Today, these allegations go back voiced by the Egyptian Coptic priest Zakaria Batrousin his book Tasâulât Hawl al-Qur’ân. One of the accused is the assertion that the Koran contains errors and defects in terms of language, as it is considered contrary to the rules nah}w. From here finally Zakaria concludes that the Koran is not the work of God, but a bouquet of Muhammad, because God could do no wrong. What does Zakaria is a fragment of a long journey Orientalist in reviewing the Eastern world, especially the Islamic religion who has written neatly in history. By writing the book I‘râb al-Qur’ân al-Karîm wa Bayânuh, al-Darwish wanted to prove that what is alleged Zakaria just nonsense. This book is written with a light and easy to understand language readers, especially for the orientalists who lack the ability to understand the science nahw and Arabic literature