Pemikiran Nasr Hâmid Abû Zayd tentang Fiqh al-Ta’wîl wa al-Tafsîr


Abû Zayd was born on july 1, 1943 in a village called Tanta, the provincial capital of al-Gharbîyah, Egypt. Abû Zayd is very concerned with the study of the Koran. Several important works were written al-Ittijâh al-‘Aqlî fî al-Tafsîr: Qadîyat al-Majâz ‘ind al-Mu‘tazilah al-Wasatîyah and Naqd al-Khitâb al-Dînî. intellectual adventure Abû Zayd peaked when he wrote a short treatise as one of the main requirement professor appointment at the university of Cairo. Abû Zayd has given the feel of a more powerful, though that’s not easily penetrate the fortress-establishment of religious understanding which is wrapped in the name of